Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ultimately what is religion? Isn't it a means to reach the Almighty? The Supreme. Its a path to get connected to the Lord. There are different religions and thus different paths. Why do people feel that only one path is the path to reaching the destination? It is like different airlines professing that their's is the only way to reach destination x. But there are so many way to get there. I love and respect all religions but I do hate people who hate other religions. I love tolerance and respect for all religions. That is true humanity. I went to the Hare Krsna temple last night for Janmashtami, that is Lord Krishna's Birthday. It was great. Enjoyed the darshan, His Holy face gave me hope and happiness. It was really nice to rock His cradle. Then enjoyed eating some really good prasadam. Jai Sri Krishna.

1 comment:

BeeLikeMakkhi said...

Religion is a personal thing...If 1000 men/women get enlightened 1000 new religion will you may see, every particle every gene is different, there is no duplication. So is true with the path of enlightenment, every path is unique.


Welcome to my blog. My name is Parul Bhatia and I am starting this blog to share my ideas and opinions with you. I am interested in arts, culture, social issues, politics, religion, health news, fitness info, Bollywood, Hollywood and International Films (including Indie films ofcourse), theater and more. If there is an event that you want t oshare on this blog site then you can post it here. Talking about events, I'd like to mention that August 16th 2006 is Janmashtami that is being celebrated at the Hare Krsna Temple in East Dallas. And getready to be a part of the sizzle this Saturday at the Karma Nights that celebrates the Independence day of India and Pakistan. Karma nights are brought to you by 4Visions. The venue for August 19th Karma nights is Clay Pit. Stay tuned for more information on 4V's future events. Also tune into 990 am (after 6p.m.) and 1600 am radio (before 6 p.m.) stations and catch presentations by 4V.