Sunday, February 21, 2021

February .. and the Sun is back

No I have not been hibernating. Or maybe I have but no not really .. as I have been on the air, doing my radio shows .. from Chai Time to Bollywood Top 10, and writing a script for the next film, and doing Odissi .. a dance form I'm very passionate towards. 

And with that I've also been teaching English Composition courses at Dallas College .. yup online coz of this COVID situation. Life has been quite a ride since Feb 2020 .. and hey wait up it's already been a year! We are in 2021. And this is Feb. One year has slipped by and we are ahead .. leaving behind a lot of people who are no longer breathing, and as we stepped into Feb we had a snowstorm in Dallas TX .. power cuts, water-pipes bursts, cooking inside the fireplace (if you have electrical oven top like we do) and now the sun is shining through. There is always a ray at the end of the tunnel. Isn't? So do I have a "Yes"? The other side of midnight is always bright. 

February also happens to be my birth month so I thought of  being born again .. as a person who wants to share her ideas and thoughts, passions and grudges from my side of the hood. 

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Welcome to my blog. My name is Parul Bhatia and I am starting this blog to share my ideas and opinions with you. I am interested in arts, culture, social issues, politics, religion, health news, fitness info, Bollywood, Hollywood and International Films (including Indie films ofcourse), theater and more. If there is an event that you want t oshare on this blog site then you can post it here. Talking about events, I'd like to mention that August 16th 2006 is Janmashtami that is being celebrated at the Hare Krsna Temple in East Dallas. And getready to be a part of the sizzle this Saturday at the Karma Nights that celebrates the Independence day of India and Pakistan. Karma nights are brought to you by 4Visions. The venue for August 19th Karma nights is Clay Pit. Stay tuned for more information on 4V's future events. Also tune into 990 am (after 6p.m.) and 1600 am radio (before 6 p.m.) stations and catch presentations by 4V.